Lesbifriend Luminary: Mia Ross


/ˈlo͞oməˌnerē/ - n - a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere.

Each month we take a moment to show appreciation for an exemplary member of our community. Affectionately named “Lesbifriend Luminarys”, we honor you.

Subscribe to our newsletter to see who’s featured as nexts months Lesbifriend Luminary!

Mia Ross, founder of iammai CREATIVE, blends artistry with strategy to elevate brands in the digital realm.

Specializing in everything from brand design, photography, to interactive website development, Mia’s Master’s degree in International Communications guides her holistic, culture-centered approach. Notably, she is the creative force behind the iconic logo and website for Lesbifriends Travel!

As a token of appreciation to the Lesbifriends community, Mia is offering a 15% discount on all services with the code: LESBICREATIVE

Connect and explore her portfolio at iammaicreative.com and follow her creative journey on Instagram.


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